
10 Surprising Facts about Horses

From their intelligence to their social behaviours, horses are amazing animals for lots of different reasons. Read our blog post to learn 10 incredible facts about horses!

1. They can walk shortly after birth

 Foals can stand up and walk within a few hours of being born and can run within a day. Foals grow rapidly, and can reach up to 90% of their adult height within their first year of life.

2. Horses have a unique digestive system

Their stomach is relatively small for their size and so horses rely on grazing throughout the day to get the nutrition they need. Horses can be prone to digestive disorders such as colic and diarrhoea if their diet is not properly balanced or if they are not allowed to graze for long periods.

3. Horses have excellent memories

They are able to remember people, places, and other horses that they have met even years before.

4. They have an almost 360 degree field of view

Horses have an average eye diameter of around 2 inches (5 cm)! This large size helps them to see well in low-light conditions and detect predators from a distance. Because of their size and how their eyes are set, horses have nearly a 360-degree field of view

5. Horses can communicate with body language

They use their ears, tail, and posture to express their emotions and intentions. For example, ears pointed forward generally indicate attentiveness or curiosity, while ears pinned back can signal anger or fear. 

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6. Horses can sleep standing up

They can lock their legs to remain standing while sleeping and only need a few hours of sleep each day.

7. Horses are social animals

They often form close bonds with other horses and can become anxious or depressed if they are separated from their herd. Within the herd, horses will groom each other, play, and even stand close together to sleep. At our sanctuary, rescued equines Twinkle and Morris are so close that they will even call out to each other if seperated.

8. In the wild, horses live in social groups called herds

Hers are typically led by a dominant mare and can travel up to 50 miles a day in search of food and water.

9. Most horses are strong swimmers

Many wild horses can cross rivers and other bodies of water to access food and resources.

10. Horses have excellent hearing

Horses have excellent hearing, with the ability to rotate their ears 180 degrees to detect sounds in different directions. They are capable of hearing sounds at much higher frequencies than humans, which helps them to detect predators or other potential dangers. At our sanctuary, Harry the pony can hear the rattle of a feed bucket from the other side of the paddock, and it doesn’t take him long to come running!

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